hfradio - world-wide amateur radio communications web site - NW7US
Welcome to the NW7US Amateur and Shortwave Radio Command Center

your resource center for shortwave listening and amateur radio
propagation, news, dx, education, and more

Modified on: July 27, 2024
This site has been running since June, 1999.

Brought to you by NW7US - Tomas - in Western Montana, USA

NW7US has been an Amateur Radio operator since 1990, and
a Shortwave Radio Listener since 1973.

Shortwave Radio Propagation, Solar Cycle Information, and More?
Click here for everything 'Radio Propagation and Space Weather (Live)'

Please follow me on Twitter:

NW7US Station, and QSL Card Collection
My callsigns: KA1VGL, N7PMS, and NW7US
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Quick links:
+ NW7US Radio Propagation and Space Weather Center

+ Morse Code and CW (carrier-wave mode)

+ Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD) - Version 5 (last and latest) Installation Executable (Win)

Become a Facebook friend:
< NW7US on Facebook >
< Tomas David Hood on Facebook >

Follow on Twitter: @nw7us and @hfradiospacewx

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To get a space weather box (there are several configurations you may choose from), follow this link for instructions.

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If you are on Facebook, you can also become a fan of NW7US here:

Click here to see the current Auroral Oval

I'm Tomas David Hood. I am a Radio Amateur with the callsign of NW7US, living in Omaha, Nebraska. I enjoy having two-way communications by way of shortwave radio signals, in the Amateur Radio hobby. The Shortwave bands are in the High Frequency radio spectrum.

NW7US is the Amateur Radio call-sign issued by the Federal Communications Commission to my Ham Radio Station, conferring the right to operate this equipment under certain privileges. This call-sign is assigned to me as both an identification of my Amateur Radio station, as well as a reference to those privileges I have been granted after having passed both a series of written examinations which cover rules, procedures, technical theory, and related knowledge, and a series of morse code (cw) proficiency tests.

I was born back in 1965 (in Virginia) and I'm 44. I was first licenced in 1990, though I have been a real high-frequency fan since the early 1970's when I discovered Shortwave Radio. I loved hearing the foriegn stations. Using HF is like travelling without leaving home. I love meeting new folks.

I have some very specific areas of interest in my love of radio and space weather. Check out my specific pages regarding these interests:

- Morse Code and CW (carrier-wave mode)
- Space Weather, Solar Cycle, Radio Propagation
- Radio Circuit & Propagation Analysis w/ACE-HF
- Shortwave Radio (SWL)
- Digital (non-voice) radio modes
- AM (Amplitude Modulation) Amateur Radio Resources

I am a member of ...

SKCC - Straight Key Century Club

-> Straight Key Century Club #4758C
-> Ten-Ten #56526 : FISTS #7055 : FISTS NW #57
-> Lighthouse Scty #144 : NAQCC #1774
-> Monthly QRP Field Day Member #62
-> QRP ARCI #12781
-> 30 Meter Digital Group #0640
-> Digital Modes Club #1144
-> BARTG #8077
-> European PSK Club (EPC) #4768

This site is produced and presented by Tomas David Hood (Amateur Radio Operator, NW7US) - Tomas is also a musician. Please click the 'play' button, below, to hear some of the music that Tomas would like to share with you. Thank you for listening! You may leave me a comment about the music.

Also, you may purchase my CD (Beginnings EP 2009) or the downloadable MP3 versions of the songs from my new EP, here: Tomas David Hood Music.


This picture (below) is of the main operating position in my travel trailer radio shack. The computer is running Ham Radio Deluxe and Digital Master 780 (HRD/DM780). I use the SKCC Sprint Logger for my SKCC CW QSOs.

The Main NW7US Trailer Radio Shack Operating Position

Here is a sample of my QSL card:

NW7US QSL card - eQSL, etc.

The footprint of my 100-watt CW signal during 70 percent of March 2010
at 2000 UTC and 2300 UTC on the 20-meter amateur band:
(these maps were created with ACE-HF Pro version 2.05 Propagation Modeling Software)
and illustrate why I like running the CW mode, or other digital modes,
during the Solar Cycle minimum. CW, PSK31, and other digital modes, get much farther than an SSB signal,
using the same amount of power.

2000 UTC

20-meter footprint of CW from NW7US, March 2010 at 2000 UTC - 70 percent of the month

2300 UTC

20-meter footprint of CW from NW7US, March 2010 at 2300 UTC - 70 percent of the month

View NW7US - NE in a larger map

Tomas David Hood, singer and songwriter

I am not just an Amateur Radio Operator. I am also a singer / songwriter / guitarist. Please take a listen to my tune samples. If you enjoy this music, please leave me a comment... thank you for listening!

Who am I? Read more about me and my activities with this hobby.

I am open to suggestions on what you might want to see on my site.

If you are on Facebook, and like my music, please "be a fan" by clicking on this banner, and then clicking on "Become a Fan".

Tomas David Hood Music Fan Page at Facebook.com

All of the pages on this website are copyrighted, 1998 - 2017, Tomas David Hood. All rights reserved.